How To Connect With Customers In Retail

If you are in retail, you’ll know that for ongoing, sustained success it’s all about forging strong connections with your customers. There are many strategies and ways that this can be done, from collecting and understanding shoppers’ habits and preferences, to making sure that lines of communication are open for both sides of the relationship. […]
Digital Touchpoints In-Store Create More Personalised Shopping Experiences

Personalisation in retail is a way to always ensure excellent customer service and a great customer experience. Having the expertise in the company’s retail offerings, along with a deep and meaningful understanding of the customers that they engage with, allows retailers to predict and know exactly what the customer wants – sometimes before the customer […]
Mistakes Retailers Make When Offering Digital Receipts

The adoption of digital receipts in retail seems like a straightforward concept. Once the system and processes are installed and synched up to your in-store operations they should run like clockwork. There shouldn’t be too much input required and the data should be there ready for both retailer and customer when needed. However, despite the […]
7 Benefits of e receipts for Your Business

In today’s digital age, businesses are constantly innovating to improve customer experience and streamline operations. One such innovation is the adoption of e-receipts, also known as e-receipts, digital receipts or smart receipts, which have become a crucial tool in modern business transactions. Gone are the days of paper clutter and manual filing systems; there are […]
Get Started with Retail Media

If you aren’t familiar with the term retail media, in its purest sense it refers to the advertising and marketing a retailer shows either on their website, apps, or even in and around the point of sales in-store. Using this kind of media treats the retailer’s customers as the “audience”, and uses data insight to […]
3 Necessary Steps to Improve Customer Loyalty in Retail

Any retailer knows that cultivating customer loyalty can provide many benefits and cost savings. From an enhanced brand reputation, to repeat business, potential savings when it comes to marketing costs and it can also increase your customer lifetime value. According to Forbes the probability of selling to a current customer is 60% to 70%. Achieving […]
Retailer’s Guide to Digital Receipt Software

As a retailer in the digital age, implementing a robust digital receipt software is crucial to adapting to the ever changing needs of the customer and elevating the overall customer experience. Digital receipts (also referred to as electronic receipts, e-receipts, and smart receipts) are becoming increasingly popular as more customers are looking for contactless and […]
How Retailers Can Benefit from WhatsApp Customer Engagement

To stay ahead of the game, retailers must constantly explore new, innovative ways to communicate and connect with their customers. WhatsApp, the global messaging giant, is fast becoming a fantastic platform to facilitate this. With nearly three billion users worldwide, WhatsApp allows retailers an opportunity to engage directly, quickly and personally, with their customers, fostering […]
Improving Retail Customer Retention with In-Store Technology

For the last few years, the fate of brick-and-mortar stores, along with their prospects for retail customer retention, looked uncertain, particularly in the wake of COVID-19. The U.K. saw a five-year peak of store closures in 2022, which seemed to signal the end of the traditional high streets and shopping centres of the past. However, […]
Digital receipts on the rise: status quo in Germany

Consumers worldwide have expressed concern about the volume of paper receipts unnecessarily issued by retailers. With each paper receipt accounting for around 2.5g of carbon emissions throughout its lifecycle, spanning production to distribution from manufacturing facilities to warehouses and stores, the urgency for sustainable alternatives is palpable. France has already addressed this challenge through its […]